Rules and Regulations


Monaco Telegraphy Group

Founded April 24, 1991

EU CW Federation Member (1994)

Ed.June 1999 Original in french

Objectives: The 3A-CW-GROUP was founded on April 24, 1991, the 200th birthday of Samuel Morse, the father of telegraphy. Its aim is to gather together amateur radio operators to practice telegraphy, exchange ideas and information, participate in telegraphy contests, and promote telegraphy activity among amateur  radio operators.

Article 1 - The 3A-CW-GROUP (3A-CW-G) is an informal, and independent association. Its address is that of its manager.

Article 2 - The goal of the 3A-CW-GROUP is to unite resident amateur radio operators in Monaco who hold a 3A2 callsign and 3A SWL to exchange ideas and information, participate in contests, encourage amateur radio telegraphy, develop new telegraphy operators, and organize activities to show that telegraphy is a simple and effective mode of communication.

Article 3 - The 3A-CW-GROUP is made up of active and associate members. It is run by its manager, who functions as the General Secretary and Awards Manager.

Article 4 - New active members will be admitted into the 3A-CW-GROUP by nomination of current members or by written request. In this case, a vote will be taken eventualy by secret ballot of all members. In either case, they must be approved at 75 per cent.To become a member, the applicant must prove that telegraphy is their primary mode of activity: e.g; having a well-recognized telegraphy award (CW-endorsed WAC, WAS, DXCC, CQ DX, WPX, etc.), and, or being a member of a foreign telegraphy association (UFT, AG CW DL, MARCONISTA, INORC, HSC, VHSC, FISTS, ecc.).

Article 5 - Associate membership is automatically granted to holders of the 3A-CW-AWARD (see article 8):

Europeans--at least the First Class certificate. Others--at least the Base certificate. Associate membership can also be conferred by a majority vote of active members or by nomination of one active members and two associate members.The number of associate members is unlimited.

Associate membership is open to clubs, associations or individual amateur radio operators and SWLs.

Article 6 - A member may resign from the group, or be expelled after warning from group members about activities contrary to the goals of the 3A-CW-GROUP or any serious breech of amateur radio ethics.

Article 7 - There are no membership fees.

Article 8 - The group sponsors the 3A-CW-AWARD (See appendix.)

Article 9 - To encourage telegraphy among beginners, the 3A-CW-GROUP gives an award to each year's winner of the "Novice" class in the U.F.T. Telegraphy Contest. (Union Française des Télégraphistes). If there are no entries in this class, the prize will be carried over to the next year.

Article 10 - (Deleted September 1994).

Article 11 - The 3A-CW-GROUP cooperates with all like-minded telegraphy associations or federations (e.g. EU-CW Association).

Article 12 - Members must respect amateur radio ethics, respond to all QSLs received, and not exclude contacts with any other country or individual (with respect to all applicable laws and local regulations).

Article 13 - Members will meet at least once a month to setgoals and take care of business (new memberships, etc.). All decisions, except those concerning new admissions, will be decided by a majority of those present. Ties will be decided by the manager's vote.

Article 14 - All new members will be given a copy of the Statutes, which they must sign and return to the manager, indicating their approval.

Article 15 - The founder of the group, Claude Passet, 3A2LF, is named manager for a term of three years,

renewable by a vote of active members.

Article 16 - The club callsign 3A2CWG has been given to the 3A-CW Group by the Supervisory


Statuts & Réglements 3ACW GROUP 3ACW GROUP Award